Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Third time's a charm?

About six hours ago, I woke up from a very disturbing dream. Actually, it was a quite normal dream (as my dreams go), but the last 30 seconds of it involved some morbid scenes of which I will spare the details. When my eyes popped open, I thought, "What the hell?!?" No crying child. No whining dog. This time it was my own STUPID subconscious that woke me up. You see, while MOST people can roll over and go back to sleep at times like this, I am not as lucky. Instead, I spend literally HOURS waiting and hoping and praying for sleep to return.

After getting up to pee, I did my usual toss and turn routine as my thoughts plagued my mind, disallowing sleep. Most times, these thoughts are boring and mundane. I fret over the things I have to do the next day (in a few hours), I think about my children, the dirty laundry and the weather. Last night, a series of thoughts led me to the idea for this blog.

But here's the funny thing: while I DO consider myself a writer (I'm 3/4 through my first novel! Yay me!), I am definitely NOT a blogger. After two failed attempts, I came to accept blogging was not my thing. So as I type up my first post on this new blog, I hear two old sayings bouncing around in my head: "third time's a charm" and "three strikes and you're out." I guess we'll see which it turns out to be. (A word of advice: if you are a betting man, go with the latter.)

The train of thoughts went like this: I am so hungry. Was I this hungry all the time with the others? I should remember. Why didn't I write this stuff down? I should write it down this time so I can remember in the future when my kids have children of their own. I should start a journal NOW, this early on. (I have handwritten journals for all 3 of my kids. I suck at writing in those, too, by the way.) Ugh, that would require too much handwriting. Maybe I should type it. Nah, that's so impersonal. Maybe I could create a blog. HAHAHAHA. No really, I should try it again. I bet people would get a kick out of our story. No you shouldn't. You'll never write in it after the first few weeks...and so on and on as I argued with myself. As you can see, I won.

So, as I get set to publish my first post and move on to typing up my ideas for the next two or three, I am wondering if this is pointless, if anyone will read it and if I should even bother. But I figured if nothing else, I will have the little I do post to share with my children one day.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you write. I am so happy I blogged about getting Stefania but that was way shorter than 9 months.
